Planet Governance Advisory Limited (“Planet Governance”) is a member of Planet Capital Group, a financial services group licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), The Nigerian Stock Exchange, the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), and the FMDQ OTC, as an Issuing House, Underwriter, Financial Adviser, Stockbroking Firm, and Specialist Dealing Member. Two factors led to the formation of Planet Governance. First, in the course of our corporate finance advisory, we have found that strong corporate governance is a prerequisite for easy and successful execution. Indeed, there is superior value in the combined treatment of corporate finance and corporate governance. Second, is the Nigerian Code of Corporate Governance 2018, issued by the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria, as well as other sector-specific governance codes issued by industry regulators, requiring publicly-quoted companies and industry operators to comply with the requirements of the governance codes, with the objectives to boost market confidence, ensure stable and
sound Corporate Nigeria, and support the Country’s sustainable economic growth and development. Accordingly, in 2018, we established Planet Governance, as a standalone Company in the Group to: (i) enhance overall efficiency in the delivery of our investment banking services (ii) assist our clients in complying with the Codes, (iii) support shareholder value maximisation, and (iv) promote the economic growth and development of the Country. At Planet Governance, we are committed to promoting good corporate governance standards and practices through: advocacy, collaboration with regulatory authorities, training, and our service offerings, which cover the principles, processes, and practices enunciated in the Codes. We provide our client with regular corporate governance updates affecting their industry and regulatory environment and advise on current best practices and emerging trends.

3rd & 4th Floor St Peter’s House,
3 Ajele Street Off Broad St.

Tel: +234-01-2702296

Email: info@planetcapitalltd.com

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